Finding New Customers with Twitter Search and Hootsuite

I have finally bitten the bullet and had a go at creating a video. This is my excuse for the amateur production; no flashy intro or ending, no call to actions, annotations or pulls to my other great video content – it doesn’t exist.

The reason that i had a go at this is because I can never find the time to create blogs on a regular basis so the plan is that if I can improve my video production skills to make this consumable then I can do one a week in a short space of time.

This video is one that I have been thinking about for a while; the search function on Twitter is a fantastic tool for finding customers for your business as well as for monitoring the conversations surrounding your business.

I feel that many businesses have dabbled in Twitter and used it as a broadcast medium to shout about what they are doing, had very little success, or even responses and have given up. This is a shame as when used properly Twitter is perhaps one of the most powerful marketing tools that a business can get their hands on. Although it is free to use it costs time and effort and results do not come overnight but they do scale well.

I use a tool called Hootsuite to manage my social media marketing as it allows me to monitor Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin all in one place. It is highly effective for Twitter and allows you to scale your usage of the Twitter search tool. This method is also covered in this tutorial video.

Right, on with the action; here is the video that shows you how to use Twitter search and Hootsuite to develop your business.

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